Monday, February 20, 2012


Well friends, I started this blog a few weeks ago and then my life got so busy working my new job and finishing up my old job that I fell off the wagon. So as of tomorrow I will be having a restart. I pray that I will be able to stick to this plan and really Blog what is going on in my life.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Well friends I made it to Water Aerobics tonight. It was something I looked forward to all day. I haven't been much of a morning person so the 630am class has not been on my radar lately. Tonight Grace and I made it to the Y for an evening class. It was so great to just work out and have such a positive teacher lead the class.
I know that if I keep going  to the classes consistently that I will loose the weight and inches. I was a part of a gym in Indiana and did the water aerobics after Grace was born and lost some of the weight back then.

Exercise is only one piece to this big puzzle of life that I am putting together. Their are many other parts and I can touch on a few generally speaking right now.

Exercise goes hand in hand with eating right and having a healthy "diet" Lifestyle.  I have been on and off the WW lifestyle for the past year and half. I really do need to get back on it. I belong online and have all the tools I need at my fingertips, I just need to use them.  If any of you reading are on WW please share with me your stories I would love to hear how you are doing. Any tips or encouragement are Welcomed.

God's Word.  Like I mentioned in my first post my hearts desire in this journey is to become closer to Christ by reading his word and allowing it to saturate my soul.  I have taken on the challenge to read the bible each day to complete it in a year.  Last week to be quite honest was a struggle and I believe I only got two days of readings in. So I am going to try and catch up. I may only decide right now to read the New Testament, Psalm and Proverbs and read the Old Testament as I can. I know that with the other study I am doing that I will defiantly not be lacking with the word of God surrounding me. I found that I have an APP on my phone which I can listen to the readings each day so I will be making that part of my time on the drives to and from work.

So the three peices I have looked at tonight are Exercise, Eating Right, and GODS WORD!

Well that is all I have tonight as I continue to desire God's heart and be the Woman he has created me to be.
I am so thankful though for God's Grace! and also for MY beautiful Grace. She is such a gift from God.

Love and Prayers

Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012 Thank you Lord for this New Year!

Well, I haven't wrote a blog in a long time. I use to write all the time when Grace was a baby to keep everyone up to date on how she was and such. Then when I started my Photography business, I have a blog for that. But I haven't gotten to doing a personal reflection Blog. I have really been challenged lately on my personal journey with Christ as we teach Grace about Jesus and what it means to have him in our lives.  We have her pray with us and read bible stories.  Then I have to step back and take a look at my own life.  What have I done to spend time with God today! How have I worked on myself this week!

Well in this new year with of course the resolutions that everyone always makes I vow to Grow closer to God. I took on the challenge that a dear mama friend from church provided to have us read the bible in a year. I have never done that and this year I will be attempting to.  I want to grow so much closer to God and really know what he is like and the wonderful stories of the bible that are true in our lives today. I want to know more so that I may share with Grace and be able to answer all of her questions regarding the bible someday. I want to fill my mind with the Word of God.

In taking on the challenge to read a little of the bible each day we also are asked to work on bible memorization. When also thinking about this I knew it was very important that I also join with this part of the challenge as we desire Grace to learn bible verses so should I!

This weeks verse I am going to take into week two as I have not been that focused on learning it this week and truly want to get it into my mind.

Here it is.

1 John 5:13 I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.

If you would like to join me in this challange check back each week and I will post a new verse.  I will be working with Grace on her verses as well and may post video from time to time.

So that is a big challenge in its self to read the bible in a year and memorize scripture but that is not enough. I want MORE!!!.

So I have joined this online Bible study called MADE TO CRAVE. This is a book by Lysa TerKeurst
I will be doing an online study through a website called
Its not to late to sign up to get the daily emails and join in on the study if you are interested.
This book is amazing. I have yet to finish it as I just keep going back over the first few chapters.
I am excited to take this journey with many women across the globe who struggle the same struggles with me and have forgotten that we need to bring our focus to GOD!  He is what we have been MADE TO CRAVE!

If you are interested in learning more about this book and the ministry of Lysa please check her out at    and

Well that is it for my first Blog entry. I will attempt to update it as often as I can. I hope you will hold me accountable to these things that I have listed and check in with me from time to time.
Feel free to look me up on FB or email me at

As for now I remind myself that I was Made to Crave God's Word not the chips and salsa that are calling my name from the kitchen.
Love you all!
God Bless.
